You're Exactly on Time: Soul Alignment with Clairvoyant Sean Nicole

Today we're graced with the wisdom of intuitive guide, Human Design and Akashic Record reader Sean Nicole. She shares what these gifts are, her journey to discovering each, and how she has incorporated all three into a session to understand your soul's highest path and what is blocking you from living it today. We discuss big concepts like whether you should be in pursuit of a purpose, whether it should be "noble", how your highest path feels, seeking clarity vs finality, whether entrepreneurship is for everybody, integrity and so much more. Sean uses her own beautiful story as an example to break down how we might experience these concepts in our own day-to-day life. You'll even hear a few takeaways from my session with her! Listen in for a deep knowing that you're exactly where you need to be on your path.

My Current Obsession: Yellowbird Hot Sauce


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Sean’s Resource: A Return to Love

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00;00;07;08 - 00;00;32;28


I'm Stephanie Hammond and this is the Fruition podcast. On this show, I sit down with passionate people who've brought their dreams to fruition. We'll explore different versions of success and fulfillment and dig in to what was on their mind along the way. With these conversations, I hope we can all expand our sense of possibility. And who knows? Maybe hearing their stories will inspire you to take action on yours.

00;00;33;00 - 00;01;01;24


Hello and welcome to the new listeners. Today's conversation really filled my cup. I've been very open to connecting with guides at my recently and Lean In episodes 16 has been one. Then Sean Nicole, the guest in today's conversation resurfaced to me with the launch of her new soul Alignment session, where she utilizes her clairvoyance in combination with human design and Akashic record reading to discover how your soul wants to live.

00;01;01;25 - 00;01;22;29


Love and work. As soon as I saw her new offering, I immediately knew it was a yes. She's been studying, practicing apprenticing to hone these gifts for years and has been mentored by some of the biggest names in the field, like Nikki, Novo and Jenna Zoe. She breaks down each of her methods in the conversation. But just so you're not completely lost from the jump.

00;01;23;01 - 00;01;54;21


Clairvoyance is the ability to visually perceive things, events, messages, images beyond the physical. So that can mean an event in the future. For example, human design is your operating system based on your birth, day and time and location, and it provides information around your strengths, how you make decisions best, how you process information, sort of like a personality test, but removing the element of your own ego and bias, which is factored into something like Myers-Briggs when you answer questions about yourself.

00;01;54;23 - 00;02;15;10


And then finally, the Akashic Records are a record of your soul's past life or history and purpose. There's so much more that goes into each of those. But just so you have an understanding of what her gifts are and what we're talking about in this conversation. We had a session, but you'll hear a bit about she hit the nail on the absolute head.

00;02;15;12 - 00;02;37;17


It was validating in some ways and then really opened my eyes in other ways. Her power is seeing me, my soul, my path from the top of the mountain that I don't connect with as often as I'd like to. From that perspective, she has clarity of where I've been and where I'm headed, and then shares messages for me to move forward in that direction.

00;02;37;18 - 00;02;58;01


While at the moment I'm too in it and biased to see for myself, I am all about connecting with your own intuition rather than outsourcing to other people. But this isn't me asking my sister for my life path. Shaun explains in this conversation how she takes herself out of the equation and acts as a vessel to deliver these messages.

00;02;58;05 - 00;03;30;10


And in fact, throughout the entire session, Shawn was giving me advice on how I can connect to my own intuition more deeply, and all of the advice that she gave me, all of the messages that she shared with me felt like my truth. And it was a wholehearted yes for me. So anyways, this was my first session with an intuitive or somebody that ever spoke of my future, and I can say it was a full on ten out of ten would absolutely highly recommend I'm going to be doing more sessions with her and I'm really looking forward to it.

00;03;30;11 - 00;03;54;05


I just feel so supported. Another ten out of ten is my current obsession for this week, which is long overdue and has absolutely nothing to do with this interview. It is yellow bird, habanero, hot sauce. I have a travel size I bring to restaurants like an absolute freak. And the other day I forgot it and I drove home before lunch.

00;03;54;07 - 00;04;22;27


So yeah, I'm not super proud of it. But for that reason, I feel it's important to share with you. It's very good. You should just try it. I can't eat eggs without it. And yeah, that's that on that. Definitely recommend. Okay. Love you. And honestly, no matter what's going on, you're doing great. If you're listening to this podcast, I'm certain that you are doing your absolute best, and I'm right there with you, feeling the ups and the downs.

00;04;22;27 - 00;04;30;10


And I am so incredibly proud of you. Have a fabulous day.

00;04;30;13 - 00;04;36;09


Hello, Sean Nicole, welcome to the FRUITION podcast.

00;04;36;11 - 00;04;38;02

Sean Nicole

Thank you for having me.

00;04;38;08 - 00;04;48;05


Welcome also to your roosters. Oh, and I forgot to mention before we just started, I wore my favorite item of clothing in honor of you and Kauai. It's from Kauai.

00;04;50;21 - 00;04;52;18


Have you ever been to lolo's on Kauai?

00;04;52;20 - 00;04;56;19

Sean Nicole

I haven't

00;04;56;20 - 00;05;07;05


Okay I have to look it up and send it to you, but it's this tiny little boutique and a very small shopping center on the north shore of kauai and like blink and you'd miss it.

00;05;07;12 - 00;05;09;15

Sean Nicole

Okay, i live north shore, so I need to go check it out.

00;05;09;16 - 00;05;23;18


My gosh. Okay. I'll send it to you immediately after that. So for everyone listening, Sean's a human design reader. Akashic record practitioner and a clairvoyant. Or do you prefer the term intuitive? I always wonder where.

00;05;23;18 - 00;05;41;00

Sean Nicole

Me They're pretty indifferent. Like I'm okay. I actually like because my intuition is normally interpreted through clairvoyance, but I think that term is like weird for people. So that's why I use intuitive. But both way. But my intuition is clairvoyance, so. Okay.

00;05;41;01 - 00;06;03;20


Okay. Got it. How we're going to get into more of the details of it later, but like how much do you feel like that's so Raven Like, are you having moments where intuition hits you and you have this like, vision of the future? What does it feel like having honed this skill and like living in day to day life?

00;06;03;22 - 00;06;20;00

Sean Nicole

Yeah, you know, that's so funny that you would ask me that because actually, like, I have a mentor who I, I work with now, who I really when you find me there. Nikki Novo Yeah. So I actually really resonated with originally because she was like, I see spirits as a kid and like, that was definitely not me. Like I was not a kid.

00;06;20;00 - 00;06;44;26

Sean Nicole

He was like, Why is Grant like seeing ghosts? Not my vibe? And now actually, like, I definitely have moments where I also love that or even such a good show. I know like, Oh my God. And I in a hot moment, actually, like, there's been a couple with like my best friend while have these, like, weird premonitions. Like I knew when she got pregnant before she told me I knew like, I, like, saw her wedding before it happened.

00;06;44;26 - 00;07;09;28

Sean Nicole

So but it doesn't happen. Like, all the time because something that I appreciate about my spirituality and my intuition is that I try to like I call command it, right, Because I think if you're sensitive or you're intuitive, sometimes you don't want to feel like your powers are almost like annoying, you know? And so even like, I'm like I try to be like a little bit telepathic, like it's something that I play with, but I'm like, I don't need to do that all the time.

00;07;09;28 - 00;07;27;08

Sean Nicole

Like, I don't need to know what you're thinking. Yeah. And I don't even know what's going to happen to you. So sometimes I'm trying to, like, shut it down, but I tend have, like, weird premonitions. Like, Yeah, with, like, with my really, really close friends sometimes, like, I'll see weird things, but yeah, it kind of just, like, woke her out of the blue.

00;07;27;08 - 00;07;34;00

Sean Nicole

So it's not necessarily like I'm tapping out of the present moment to, like, have a vision. Not often that if that makes sense, that.

00;07;34;00 - 00;07;48;18


Would be distracting. I think it would be a very like it would probably throw you for a loop too, because you just listed some really beautiful visions, but I'm sure that you get some not so pretty visions sometimes. Also, I'm like, I can't have that interrupting my day to day.

00;07;48;21 - 00;08;03;22

Sean Nicole

Yeah. And actually, like, I remember sometimes, like I used to think it was like my ego, but like, people would be talking about something and I'd hear, like, like my inner self be like, no, like they're lying or That's not going to happen. And I was like, Whoa, okay. And then I'd be right. And I was like, Oh, shoot.

00;08;03;24 - 00;08;14;19

Sean Nicole

So yeah, stuff like that. I'm like, okay, I don't need to share it and I can cut it off. And yeah, it would be distracting and I think not necessarily beneficial always. Yeah, that's.

00;08;14;19 - 00;08;36;23


So, so interesting. So when you were a kid, you didn't see visions, you didn't see dead people. But were you did you grow up in a spiritual household? Like were you open to these kinds of ideas? Like, I desperately wanted to be a witch when I was little. I think I am a little witch, desperately, like, wrote down like wrote down recipes for potions, wrote down spells.

00;08;36;23 - 00;08;54;10


Like, I was like, Oh, we're so into it. And I was like, very open to the idea of it. But, you know, you kind of grow up and get influenced by your surroundings and society. So I'm curious if that was ever like a thought in your mind.

00;08;54;17 - 00;09;13;20

Sean Nicole

So that's so interesting. Anon because I've done a session of your I'm like, well, I like because I like see your witchy powers and they think like you'll use them in really cool ways. But yeah, it's funny because I would say like pretty much like not I did not grow up in a spiritual home. In fact, like I actually had a really, like negative perception of religion.

00;09;13;20 - 00;09;32;23

Sean Nicole

And I always say like, it's still not my favorite thing. And I grew up actually in a part of California, Orange County, that has like a huge like three insurgents of these, like mega Christian churches. And I just was exposed to a lot of like really like the dark side of religion. And so I was definitely someone who was like, I don't believe in God.

00;09;32;23 - 00;09;54;10

Sean Nicole

And that's not for me. And if people like I remember like senior year of college, someone was like, I'm just praying to see where I should go to school. And I was like, You're crazy. Like, you're a psycho. So as a kid, like, I always loved, like, nature was my jam as a kid. Like, I felt kind of like a mermaid, not too much like a witch, but I loved, like, swimming, swimming in the ocean.

00;09;54;10 - 00;10;18;13

Sean Nicole

I love the environment. I would definitely, like, talk to nature as a kid. And that was kind of like, I think my original spirituality was just like this deep connection with nature. But I don't even remember feeling like like I loved Hocus Pocus, but I didn't have any, like, particular sort of tendencies that were like spiritual or anything like that, which is so interesting.

00;10;18;13 - 00;10;33;26

Sean Nicole

But yeah, and my parents were not religious, like my mom's definitely not. My dad grew up in a very Catholic family, so literally I joke like he he sadly passed away when I was 21, which is like the start of my spirituality. But like his best friend was just visiting Island and he's like one of my best friends now.

00;10;33;26 - 00;10;52;10

Sean Nicole

And he was like, I need to know, did your grandma baptize you and not tell your dad? And I was like, No, I'd like that never happened. But he's still like my dad. Always thought that my Nonnie, his mom, secretly baptized us because she was like super Catholic rosary beads mass every day. And he was like, That's just not my thing.

00;10;52;10 - 00;11;12;03

Sean Nicole

And that's not going to be my kids thing. So yeah, I think my home was definitely not spiritual. And yeah, I think when my dad passed away, it was kind of like I needed to. I think I just needed to like see beyond what is here because you have this like big experience where someone's there and then suddenly they're not.

00;11;12;06 - 00;11;34;21

Sean Nicole

But, you know, I think this is where deep down we know that it's not that they're gone, it's just that they've changed form. And so that actually is what started my journey around, like intuition and meditation and spirituality and like, yeah, so it's funny because as a kid, like if you were to tell eight year old me that I was like, going to do this, I'd be like, But I'm going to be a marine biologist or like, very interesting.

00;11;34;21 - 00;11;51;29


And you ended up studying environmental sciences at UCLA, right? So was that kind of were the oceans water that was your thing when you were growing up? And then, just like you said, nature and the environment, is that what you were focused on from when you were a little kid and then just kind of set your mind on that track?

00;11;52;03 - 00;12;21;27

Sean Nicole

Yeah, I think that's such a like, interesting thing for me to even reflect on because I had the benefit of being really good at school. I was always like a super academic kid, and so I kind of like I played all the fields, right? Like I was good at every subject and was like, We'll see what happens. And then, yeah, I think I really focused on the environment because I, I mean, I just, I mean, I love the earth and I think I remember like my dad actually took me to see An Inconvenient Truth, which people may hate, but that's I mean, I love that movie, especially when you're a kid.

00;12;21;27 - 00;12;25;01

Sean Nicole

It really opens your eyes a lot. You're like, Whoa, I never thought about these things.

00;12;25;01 - 00;12;26;21


You start questioning.

00;12;26;24 - 00;12;45;13

Sean Nicole

100%, you know, and you start to be like, okay, if I like, I love this earth. Like, you know, you just start to think deeper. But I truly believe, like, and now my work is so different than what I thought it would be. I love helping people see like a new avenues and pathways for career, because I think when you're 15, like, you don't know any better.

00;12;45;13 - 00;13;08;12

Sean Nicole

You know, you're just like, Well, if I love the Earth and I either do this or I do this or I do this, so I focus there. But I had some red flags like I did. I worked at like on an Ocean Institute. The Ocean Institute in Dana Point, California, finding familiar every summer in high school. And I actually really didn't like it, but I think I was like, too afraid to admit that because I was like, but I love the ocean.

00;13;08;12 - 00;13;28;12

Sean Nicole

So and I would try to like it. I would be like, Well, I'll do this research or this research. Yeah. I actually ended up getting into like applying to like marine specific schools, like schools where I could like study abroad in the Galapagos. And then actually it was like a huge, like universal state full turn that I ended up just being like, I'm actually just going to go to the best school I got into.

00;13;28;13 - 00;13;43;17

Sean Nicole

You know, UCLA is a great academic institution and in the state of California. And so that's actually why I chose environmental science, because the marine science program usually is not good and or not I shouldn't say it's not good. It just wasn't what I was looking for. So I was like, What? I'm going to do environmental science. And yeah, I think I was like, What else would I do?

00;13;43;17 - 00;13;50;16

Sean Nicole

Like, I love the earth and this is my passion and this is my focus. And so I was like, Let's just spread this way. And so that's what I did.

00;13;50;16 - 00;13;53;29


And then you sat abroad in Panama, correct?

00;13;54;01 - 00;13;54;10

Sean Nicole


00;13;54;10 - 00;14;24;01


And from what I saw, you were swimming in the ocean every single day and like, really close to the wildlife in that area. It seems like that's where you sort of like, came alive and and started recognizing some truths about yourself. I think that you said that's where you discovered human design. So I'm curious if you still continue to pursue that marine biology interests, I guess, at that point or curiosity and then allowed it to lead you somewhere else, What was that experience like?

00;14;24;03 - 00;14;28;16


And is that also where you realized that maybe this wasn't your path?

00;14;28;18 - 00;14;47;18

Sean Nicole

It is interesting to actually exhibit humans. And a little bit later in Colombia. Okay, okay. Panama was an insect. So actually and it's funny because I'm sure many of your listeners just start always being spiritual, but it's really interesting looking back at where the universe was kind of like really thrown you in there. Like it was like really encouraging.

00;14;47;18 - 00;15;05;10

Sean Nicole

You. And actually Panama was a big one because I did not want to go to Panama. To go to Panama. I actually found this program that would let me do like terrestrial and marine research. And I was like, Well, that's perfect because I don't know if I want my focus to be on ocean research or land based research, and this will be good for me to get both.

00;15;05;10 - 00;15;20;22

Sean Nicole

So I chose just purely bait. This is bold left brain, like a right brain, like whatever one's logical about was like, this will be this will set me up for success in the future. So I'm going to go with this. But like my friends joke, they'd be like, Where are you studying abroad? And I'd be like, Oh shit, I forgot.

00;15;20;22 - 00;15;38;03

Sean Nicole

And I'm like, And I'm like, I literally would like, always forget, like, that was like, totally the universe throwing me in. But that was the experience. But I think really it just like, changed me in, like really, really deep ways for me. You know, I was living on this island and I think it just helped me see that.

00;15;38;03 - 00;15;56;21

Sean Nicole

Like, it just really helped me feel happy in ways that, like, I didn't even know that I could, you know? And I think it's a huge reason why Little Kawaii, you know, like, I didn't realize I don't actually love like, a lot of stimulation all the time. And UCLA was really intense academically, socially it was very like you're on all the time.

00;15;56;23 - 00;16;18;10

Sean Nicole

And I liked like aspects of that. But I also didn't even know the opposite. That for me, I think was the turning point. And it actually made me like love science like a little bit more. But it also reminded me that I don't want to write research papers. That was a big part of my thing is I had to write this big paper and that is you're like, That is academia, right?

00;16;18;13 - 00;16;36;19

Sean Nicole

But I think my like part of me was really fixated on like, but I want to be out in nature and how can I do that if I'm not a scientist? So I think I kind of was like, okay, I'm obsessed with this. This needs to be like on my platter of life. But I don't know any other way than to keep pursuing science.

00;16;36;19 - 00;16;56;18

Sean Nicole

So I think I was like, came back with this, like new way of seeing the world, new way of seeing myself. But I still was like, I got a job at a lab right when I got back, I was like, Let's still just drive this home because I want to be a teacher, kind of. But it was I mean, to this day, like, I will always look back on that experience and be like, It's why I live on an island.

00;16;56;20 - 00;17;16;20

Sean Nicole

So I speak Spanish language. I got obsessed with Spanish. It really just like, like helped me see parts of myself that like in California I would have never known. And I was like probably secretly Latin and all my past lives. Like, you know what I mean? So yeah, that experience for me was, was everything. And yeah, directed my path.

00;17;16;20 - 00;17;21;12

Sean Nicole

But, and it still took a little bit of time to get to where to spirituality. Yeah. Yeah.

00;17;21;12 - 00;17;39;02


And I love that you use your logical brain to get there to discover that there is this feeling inside of you too, that can guide your decisions. Thinking of yourself as a college student, of course you are making logical decisions like you're at a university where you're studying all day and getting homework done and checking things off the list.

00;17;39;02 - 00;17;48;07


Like it's everything is execution based. And so like, how would you have not made a logical decision at that point in your life when you're in that system?

00;17;48;09 - 00;18;08;14

Sean Nicole

Totally. And I think now it's such a good question and like good thing to think about because I think now with Gen Gen Z, right, they're different, you know, And now these terms that previously, you know, were around the same age, like I didn't even know what intuition was when I was in college. Yeah, most people going to college now, they know what intuition is, right?

00;18;08;14 - 00;18;38;06

Sean Nicole

We have, you know, social media definitely has a dark side, but it has its life side that, you know, these terms, intuition, intentional living, like they've been largely popularized on these large social platforms. So I think the kids now entering college are going to be different. They know these things. But and I think now we're at a really exciting, like moment in time where, like we now realize the importance of emotional intelligence and even like intuition and business like these things are growing, but and now we value them more.

00;18;38;06 - 00;19;04;17

Sean Nicole

You know, we're I think we're learning to understand that, like, we cannot rely on our logical brain for everything. And there is scientists that study that intuition. It's not just this like metaphysical thing that will never understand. So that rewarded for getting good grades. And you know, we we still have these very strict narratives that people are it's so tempting to live by them and we live by them until suddenly something wakes us up.

00;19;04;21 - 00;19;19;29


Yeah. And it sounds like you are living by that reward system and those structures that were in place seeking to get good grades, seeking to achieve and what was your definition of success at that point before you went into this program at Panama?

00;19;20;01 - 00;19;38;05

Sean Nicole

Yeah, it's interesting because I was and it worked for me, you know what I mean? I think a lot of people who are bad at school become entrepreneurs because they're like, Well, if I can cause they're kind of like, fuck the system, you know what I mean? Like, there's a lot of people who are like dyslexic and really big names now who did poorly in school.

00;19;38;05 - 00;19;56;26

Sean Nicole

And I think it's almost more of an incentive to be nontraditional. But I didn't have that system worked for me, right? I was like, I get good grades, I get into the good schools. Like, why would I kind of fix what's not broken in my mind, you know? So, yeah, I was like, really in that. And it didn't come from it actually really didn't come from my parents.

00;19;56;26 - 00;20;13;17

Sean Nicole

And my friends used to joke that I had like a stoner's dream parents, but like I did, my parents like, but I'm like the straightest place for, like, never because my parents actually never really put pressure on me. Like, they were like, Well, we want you to be smart. Like, maybe don't take out a bunch of loans, but like, go have a good time, you know?

00;20;13;17 - 00;20;32;02

Sean Nicole

So yeah, I think I just was really like I was an ambitious. I'm still ambitious and I loved I just loved working hard. I loved getting good grades. And but I think success before I left for Panama, I was still trying to figure it out. Like, I think I was very committed to doing good things for the Earth and like, nothing was going to change that.

00;20;32;02 - 00;20;53;20

Sean Nicole

But I remember even my freshman year at UCLA universe was like still getting in there all the time. I did the seminar course where speakers came and talked about different like environmental fields, and someone from the EPA came and spoke and I used to be like obsessed with working for the EPA. And he was like, so boring. And I was like, Whoa, this guy sounds like this sounds horrible.

00;20;53;23 - 00;21;10;29

Sean Nicole

And then the next speaker was this guy actually from Orange County who started this like farm to table movement. And I was like, This is what's up? I was like, This guy's cool. So I think I didn't I didn't have a definition for success yet. And my friends were already interviewing for consulting companies and I was like, That's still not me.

00;21;10;29 - 00;21;27;20

Sean Nicole

I was like, That's not the avenue that I want to take on. And so prior to Panama, I think I was like, I don't know what this is going to look like. And then after Panama, I was kind of like, ideally I'll get to the rainforest, which kind of all they gave me. Like ideally I'll buy my way to nature.

00;21;27;22 - 00;21;49;09

Sean Nicole

And so yeah, I was in achiever mode, but it helped me realize that like it's okay to want to be successful and still like love the earth and still know that like that can take president for me over. Like, like that was it's so, it's so funny. This, the big doc for me was like, I don't have to like go get a job in Washington DC because it's a good job.

00;21;49;12 - 00;21;56;10

Sean Nicole

I can make my priority being out in nature and I will work the job around that, if that makes sense. Right? That might help me do that.

00;21;56;13 - 00;22;20;28


Totally. Totally. It put some of your values into perspective and you recognize this lifestyle is really important to me and this allows me to be, you know, the most myself that you had been to that point in your life that might come at the cost of a higher salary or or potential, I don't know, potential career opportunities. But you realize that that was just as important, if not more important than those things at that point.

00;22;21;00 - 00;22;25;19

Sean Nicole

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Consciously. I didn't even realize that, but yes, I did. Yeah. Okay.

00;22;25;25 - 00;22;33;19


What's interesting is you ended up working in tech in San Francisco, so bridge that gap for me a little bit.

00;22;33;21 - 00;22;53;27

Sean Nicole

Totally. And I actually it's funny because like the dots super connect and I did have the privilege like so I did end up working in nature actually got a job at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute which was like a huge opportunity, like is very like weird way to do it because most people you need to be getting a master's or PhD.

00;22;53;29 - 00;23;09;01

Sean Nicole

I stuck my way in there and I worked in the rainforest. You know, I kept my promise to myself. I was working in the rainforest, so about six months. And that's when I was like, okay, I actually kind of hit my marks here. Like, I was like, I don't really want to do academia. And it was so fun.

00;23;09;01 - 00;23;13;19

Sean Nicole

But I also was like, I don't need to, like, feel like I'm going to get bit by a snake every day. You know?

00;23;13;19 - 00;23;19;15


I literally was just saying, Did you just have a bad time? Because I was like, snakes, snakes, snakes.

00;23;19;18 - 00;23;41;02

Sean Nicole

And honestly, like something that people, like joke about, like, I forget was like, you know, field work is intense and yeah, there are different days. But I remember like there was like one site I always had to go to where like, you literally would like you'd step in like, you know, knee deep swamp water, like, yeah, exactly. Like you don't like I love nature, right?

00;23;41;02 - 00;24;03;21

Sean Nicole

That's there's no doubt. But I was like, okay, this actually doesn't need to be the avenue through which I have my relationship with nature because it, it fieldwork is hard, you know? And so I was like, okay, let's switch it up. And that's when I was like, I'm going to go to Colombia because I want to teach English because I wanted to do something really community oriented, because my experience in Panama academia is super separate from community.

00;24;03;21 - 00;24;20;27

Sean Nicole

It's not as applied, frankly. So I moved to Colombia, taught English, was there for a year and a half, and it was like the time of my life. What motivated me to go to San Francisco was actually because I was like, I want to see what like an actual, like really functioning company looks like. And my master's at the time.

00;24;20;27 - 00;24;40;25

Sean Nicole

So I was like, I want to like see a functioning company. I want to and I do love business, right? I didn't know it at the time, but like, I love seeing like how companies come together and, and I love, like, exciting products. So I actually was like sort out tech because I was like, I want to be able to see what this looks like live in the US for a bit.

00;24;40;25 - 00;25;11;02

Sean Nicole

And it just was really like the perfect place for me at the time to like, learn, grow and evolve. So yeah, like it was quick. I realized it was like, okay, I love seeing this. It's not as functional as I thought it would be. You know, any big organization is going to have its stuff, you know, even reading, doing your session like so many souls, can find a ton of fulfillment in the right sort of environment because it might be corporate, but there's actually so much fulfillment and joy that can come from that environment, you know?

00;25;11;10 - 00;25;17;27

Sean Nicole

So I did I do feel like I got a lot of that satisfaction. It just wasn't meant to be like my forever thing, if that makes sense.

00;25;18;02 - 00;25;55;01


Totally. Since our session, I've actually been thinking about that and what it is that I actually want out of my environment and like the camaraderie that I'm looking for. And I think that that does exist in within an organization. It's just finding the right organization to and then also finding the right work along with it. But those are very separate things, like just because I want flexibility and camaraderie and autonomy and creativity doesn't mean that that doesn't exist in a corporate environment or within a larger organization.

00;25;55;03 - 00;26;14;24

Sean Nicole

Totally. And I think right now the dominant narrative is like, well, everyone needs to like, go be an entrepreneur. But it's just true, you know, like, for example, like, so honestly, I'm a loner, right? Like, I love to be alone. I love to work alone. To me, it's like my greatest joy. But, you know, I read a lot of soul is that is not everyone's cup of tea, right?

00;26;15;00 - 00;26;37;23

Sean Nicole

Yeah. Like a lot of people get a ton of satisfaction from teamwork. And like, I personally think in the new paradigm, it's not the end of the corporation, it's just the end of the corporation in which we do it now. But I think there are so many benefits from bringing smart, passionate, value oriented people together. You know, that can really be a jackpot.

00;26;37;23 - 00;27;00;07

Sean Nicole

So for sure, I think right now we're so quick to be like, Hey, if you work in corporate, your I'm failed and that's so untrue. I think Tak is trying to say, like, we want you to feel like you can be yourself here, you know? Is it always done right? No. But I think the sentiment is there. So it also helped me see, like so many people, they love that environment.

00;27;00;07 - 00;27;18;20

Sean Nicole

They thrive in that environment. I just discovered that I don't. But I'm so glad, so glad I did. Like, I learned so much about myself and I learned so much about other people and, you know, work. And so, yeah, so many people can and will continue to find so statement in a corporate setting guaranteed. Yeah.

00;27;18;21 - 00;27;37;03


Yeah. I think that you I'm glad that you brought up entrepreneurship and I actually was going to ask you about that related to my own session because one of the things you mentioned to me was make sure that you're prioritizing or seeking out what you genuinely want as opposed to what that person over there might want or has.

00;27;37;06 - 00;27;50;24


Make sure that you're really focused on what it is that you truly want. I want people to think, What about entrepreneurship? Sounds appealing? Like what aspects of entrepreneurship sound really good to you because that might be what you're looking for.

00;27;50;27 - 00;28;10;14

Sean Nicole

Yeah, and I do. That's actually why, like, I love my work because I call it the soul alignment session. I say my work is about the soul because the most important thing as an individual is figuring out what my soul is. Path right? Because anything that sexy is seductive. But if it's not authentic to us, it's not authentic to us, right?

00;28;10;14 - 00;28;31;11

Sean Nicole

So I think if like the like the core value of that person is to feel free, there are a lot of different ways to feel free. And there are a lot of avenues or aspects of entrepreneurship that don't feel free, for example, you know, but we only get sold like you worked forever. You want wherever you want and do whatever you want, but it's like not really, you know.

00;28;31;11 - 00;28;47;06

Sean Nicole

And also it's like even I'm now like in the, you know, I do sessions, I'm in the coaching space, like I kind of work for my clients, you know, I kind of work for my followers on Instagram. Like, yeah, always kind of feel like you're working for someone in a way that like, I don't even I don't like that feeling.

00;28;47;06 - 00;29;07;02

Sean Nicole

So it's annoying for me, but it's like you can't evade that. Every path has its things, you know, there's no path. It's like you're happy all the time and you never, you know, there's no way. So I think when we stop trying to kind of idealize everything we can get clear on like what really matters to us.

00;29;07;04 - 00;29;31;18


Yeah. Do you have a tool or some sort of process? I mean, you're obviously very in tune with your own intuition, but for somebody like me who is a few steps away from that, like, what's a good way for people to differentiate between what they see looks glamorous out there? And so they think that they genuinely want it versus like deeply, genuinely, truly knowing that that thing is right for them.

00;29;31;20 - 00;29;56;05

Sean Nicole

Yeah, I love that question and I still have two uses of myself. The best thing I think to ask yourself is do I want like I always like to bring life back to like the moment by moment experience, right? So I always ask myself, like, do I want my moment to moment experience to look like that? And do I see a pathway in which I could get there that I would want?

00;29;56;07 - 00;30;15;16

Sean Nicole

Because that's another thing about entrepreneurship is you can like the end result, but you have to the moment by moment. Experience of becoming an entrepreneur is you can do it any way that you want, but there are certain things that are non-negotiable, right? And I believe that, like you could love the outcome so much that you're like, okay, I'm not so down law school, but I'll do it.

00;30;15;19 - 00;30;29;26

Sean Nicole

But we don't want to think that way. We want to think about moment by moment. Do I want that? Because even like, like we talked about this with you living in Costa Rica, I'm like, do you want your moment by moment? 365 days a year in a village in Costa Rica, your soulmate?

00;30;29;27 - 00;30;30;24



00;30;30;27 - 00;30;42;08

Sean Nicole

No. The soul is like, no, no, no, no, no. Like every once in a while, for sure. That to me is the question that can kind of like cut through the cracks and you'll hear the voice of your intuition. Be like, Yeah. Or like.

00;30;42;10 - 00;31;11;28


No, definitely. I think what goes along with that is a conversation around clarity and finding clarity, searching for clarity. And I am always looking for clarity. Like our session was around me, trying to find clarity in next steps in the bigger picture. Like I this is me. So I get it. But we're all seeking for this like big picture clarity where we know where we're going and how we're going to get there and what it's going to be like.

00;31;11;28 - 00;31;44;20


And and we want to know with certainty that we're going to love it and that that's the right choice before we take action on it and before we commit to it. And something that we were talking about earlier is like I think that we're using the word clarity, but we're actually like seeking finality. Like we want we want the final answers of like, okay, if I'm not going to, I'm going to live there and that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life, where in reality, my next step might be moving to like we talked about another city for a short period of time, maybe like two or three years.

00;31;44;26 - 00;32;06;14


Talk to me about this idea of finding clarity and certainty and finality and does that exist for some people, big picture long term, or is it something that we just have to allow to unfold and we're stressing ourselves out and making ourselves more unclear by seeking this finality?

00;32;06;17 - 00;32;30;11

Sean Nicole

Yeah, and I it's so like interesting because I always say to friends and clients, like, we also have to look at like ourselves as souls that also would like this very like human programing. And we're in a phase of evolution on earth where our lives are very comfortable, right? Like even if you think about past lives, like 150 years ago, we were like, what is clarity?

00;32;30;12 - 00;32;33;14

Sean Nicole

And I'm saying we were like probably out doing God. Like, you know.

00;32;33;16 - 00;32;35;15


It's surviving.

00;32;35;17 - 00;32;56;27

Sean Nicole

Exactly. And right now, you know, we don't we don't experience a lot of discomfort. We just don't unless we willingly put ourselves in those environments. So I think the mind seeks the not I don't think the soul ever seeks finality because the soul really loves the moment by moment experience. The soul loves growth, the soul loves mystery, right?

00;32;56;27 - 00;33;19;08

Sean Nicole

The soul doesn't need to know everything. I think the mind wants finality because inherently, as people, we just don't feel safe and we don't feel good. And we don't when we just want to know everything. So it's like we can look back, you know, but that's not going to help us. The okay. And I think I, I course I don't I haven't read every single soul.

00;33;19;08 - 00;33;42;00

Sean Nicole

And for some souls it might be super aligned for them to get married at 18 and be with their same person. Like, I don't know, but I think a lot of people just choose that because then they're like, Then I don't have to face the mystery or like Nick, as much as we say we love choice, part of us, a part of our human is really terrified by choice, you know, because it's like, well, I could choose anything That's really scary, right?

00;33;42;00 - 00;34;01;04

Sean Nicole

Yeah. Yeah. So clarity for me is just like because I do think it's so important for like every human to have a vision that's like, in line with their soul, you know, because I think a lot of people are kind of living as if they're like jellyfish, like they're like going with the current. But I'm like, But you're not a jellyfish, right?

00;34;01;06 - 00;34;22;26

Sean Nicole

Like, you're a powerful cocreator, right? So I think it's like to me it's really about balance. Like it's important to say, okay, I don't exactly know what clarity is, but this is where I'd really like to see my life going. Like for you, it's this healthy, happy job. It's finding a partner who I can raise a beautiful family with like that to me is clarity.

00;34;22;28 - 00;34;39;00

Sean Nicole

And you don't need to know. Okay, I'm going to meet that person tomorrow at the market in San Francisco because we can't know those things. You know, even as I'm an intuitive, like, I can't pinpoint to that exact moment. I can get like a general idea of who you're supposed to be with. But like, thank God the universe is in charge of that.

00;34;39;04 - 00;34;59;06

Sean Nicole

So I think we just have to accept that like clarity isn't as final as we'd like it to be. But I think enough clarity for an individual is this is where I really see my life going, and I'm going to keep taking steps in that direction until I feel like, Oh, wait, maybe that like for me, clarity was I need to move to San Francisco and get a job in tech.

00;34;59;06 - 00;35;22;10

Sean Nicole

So I did that and then that changed. And so. Right, So it's I keep moving in that direction. And then when it changes, it changes. And that clarity is that next thing. But I think so often people want so they literally need to have everything laid out for them. And that's just not that's not going to happen. You know, it's just not it's not how life works.

00;35;22;10 - 00;35;32;19

Sean Nicole

And fortunately and so I think people are willing to settle and make life something they don't want it to be because they don't want to like, function in the uncertainty. Does that make sense?

00;35;32;19 - 00;35;51;04


Yeah, totally. Well, they want to have an answer to the questions that people ask, and that's been the funniest thing. These past. Like, I don't know, five years or so, you catch up with people like I go to a friend's wedding and I like, see her parents and I'm talking to her parents or I'm talking to like acquaintances who I just don't stay in touch with regularly.

00;35;51;12 - 00;36;13;11


Everybody asks the same questions like, Are you going to buy a house? Or like, Are you going to be with this person forever? Do you love your job? Is that where you're going to stay and what you're going to do? Like basically, have you figured it out or do you still feel like a mess and you feel like you have to and there's this pressure to have final answers for people as opposed to saying like, you know what?

00;36;13;13 - 00;36;32;03


Like I actually just lived here for a few months and I loved it. But I don't think it's for me all the time. So like, I don't know what I'm doing next, but I'm open to something like that. Doesn't feel like a good enough answer. And so I like I've been battling this for couple of years to be okay in the discomfort of being like.

00;36;32;06 - 00;36;32;22

Sean Nicole

I don't know.

00;36;32;29 - 00;36;52;03


Like I did this. I'm trying that I'm open to this and I have no idea. And like, I guess we'll find out and it makes other people uncomfortable. It totally makes me uncomfortable. But I want to be more okay with those kinds of answers. Because one thing that you said to me that really resonated was like, you don't have to have it all figured out.

00;36;52;03 - 00;37;19;27


You don't have to be perfect. That doesn't mean you're out of integrity if you're taking your best next step that you can think of, you know, especially in dating, this is what we were talking about where like, you want to feel like you're a whole happy person so that you attract that and you know, you're not like seeking something from the other person to fill your voids, but like, just because you don't have every answer to figure it out for yourself doesn't mean you're not that whole person.

00;37;19;27 - 00;37;22;13


It doesn't make you out of integrity.

00;37;22;15 - 00;37;38;24

Sean Nicole

Not at all. Yeah. And I also think, like you should really Freakonomics. I have nobody I'm going to put on my spirit guides. You go out and like, but I hear you, and I think I've been that weird friend for so long that I kind of like, you know, I like people. I just know that I don't know.

00;37;38;24 - 00;37;55;25

Sean Nicole

It's like, you know, and even I was just at a wedding and like, everyone lives in L.A. or they live in New York, and I'm like, Why live in Hawaii? And they're like, Wait, what are you doing in Hawaii? So it's hard. But I think, yeah, I think we have to understand too, that like, what's hard for our parents generation is that the world is completely different.

00;37;55;28 - 00;38;11;01

Sean Nicole

Yeah, and I'm sure we're going to feel the way we could be having a podcast when we're 60, being like, What the hell are these kids doing? You know, Like, and so I have a lot of compassion because when they grew up, the world did work a certain way. Yeah, and now it doesn't anymore. And so I think it comes from in the right place.

00;38;11;01 - 00;38;33;13

Sean Nicole

It comes from I want you to be happy and I want you to be okay. But I think we have constantly remind ourselves that it's like they're running programing that doesn't work anymore, right? It just doesn't. That's not the world that we live in. And so it's trusting also that like you are an integrity and in fact, you're just learning to play the game that you're in right now.

00;38;33;15 - 00;38;52;24

Sean Nicole

Right? This is the world that you live in right now that people change jobs more frequently, People move around a lot more and there are new ways to make money, right? People are broke one day and then have a seven figure business one year later. Like that wasn't a thing when my parents were 20. I'm 30 now when they were 30.

00;38;52;24 - 00;39;09;11

Sean Nicole

So I think it just kind of helps when I'm when you're in that situation to be like, okay, I'm going to have compassion for their mindset and also know that it's perfectly okay to be where I am, you know, totally. And the dating stuff. Like, I see, you know, a lot of clients who are females like looking for love.

00;39;09;11 - 00;39;32;02

Sean Nicole

And I'm also in that same boat. And I think, yeah, it's just so tricky because our mind can be like, Well, Stephanie just needs to have like, you know, the rest of her life mapped out and then her man will walk in and it's like, it doesn't work like that, you know, because what I love about my sessions now that I used to do just career sessions, now they're more all encompassing, is it's so fun to see what happens when two souls come together.

00;39;32;02 - 00;39;51;15

Sean Nicole

It's like new karmas, create a new timelines are created, right? So there's a difference between I'm just waiting for my man versus, okay, I have this idea of what I'm creating, but I also know a partner is a big part of that. Yeah. So I'm going to focus my energies on getting out there, opening my heart, like we talked about with you, meeting the right people.

00;39;51;15 - 00;40;03;26

Sean Nicole

And then I know that I meant to co-create another person. And when that person comes in, things are going to be a little bit more clear. But it's not like I'm waiting. It's like I'm strategically planning with my soul. Does that difference make sense?

00;40;03;26 - 00;40;05;17


Totally. Okay.

00;40;05;20 - 00;40;18;10

Sean Nicole

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's totally what I saw for you. So I'm glad you said that. So, like, you're totally, like, ready where you are. It's just about trusting your flow and taking those steps that are going to make you feel even more aligned.

00;40;18;12 - 00;40;43;26


Right? And in that distinction between like having answers versus being an integrity, I had never differentiated or thought about the difference between those two. Like now I feel okay that I don't have any answers because I do know confidently that I am and my integrity and like that's where I can root in that in my confidence there. Like I feel I feel great with who I am and where I am from that perspective.

00;40;43;26 - 00;40;48;20


But like not from the perspective of having all the answers. I certainly don't. And I will never.

00;40;48;20 - 00;40;55;22

Sean Nicole

So luckily no one does. Yeah, thank God. And then say hi to about 200 black run.

00;40;55;25 - 00;41;19;18


Nationally run. So something else that we all or that there's so much dialog about wanting finality around is purpose. And I'm curious, when you were working in tech in San Francisco, like did you have a moment where you were like, This isn't for me, Shoot, now what? Our generation has the privilege of prejudiced privilege of like seeking and career paths that incorporate our purpose.

00;41;19;18 - 00;41;35;24


But it feels like a lot of pressure, like you're never quite there. So like, pursuing this purpose, Did you feel like you were doing that when you were leaving San Francisco? Or how do you think about pursuit of purpose, and did you struggle with that yourself?

00;41;35;26 - 00;42;02;01

Sean Nicole

Yeah, I mean, I just love all your questions because I think like so multiple things. I think that now I believe in purpose in a certain way, but I think our soul is always trying to get our like human, like writing for that purpose and think that I was living at gym, but I am being ready to live and to my purpose, I was learning scales and becoming the type of person who was more ready to like, lean into her purpose.

00;42;02;04 - 00;42;24;02

Sean Nicole

So yeah, I definitely I mean, I used to feel like so stressed about that, you know, if anyone's in that phase, like the answer is always like that next step, because at the time there were certain things that I was learning that were part of my purpose, but it wasn't the right time. Like even finding human design. I was like, This is so rad.

00;42;24;05 - 00;42;41;13

Sean Nicole

But it wasn't years later, four years later, that I would start to actually read the human design, you know? And so I think we have to like I probably I probably say this a lot, but I can't eat your daily bread, you know, and like had my soul at the time been like, I really want you to apply to this international development degree.

00;42;41;13 - 00;43;00;07

Sean Nicole

Like, I would have gone and I would have done that, but my soul wasn't telling me that. So I think what caused the crisis was that I was like, why? I was like questioning everything that my soul was telling me. And sometimes I think, like, our purpose is like it shifts. But my purpose in Columbia was like, have a good time, right?

00;43;00;07 - 00;43;18;19

Sean Nicole

Like, I went to Columbia after losing my dad and just going through so much, like, really hard stuff in college. And all I needed to do was just like, eat some fried food and learn Spanish and like, have a good time. But like, my mind hated that. So I think if you're in a moment like that, just ask yourself, like, what am I called to do every day?

00;43;18;19 - 00;43;36;19

Sean Nicole

Like, what's my daily bread? And then make it clear, like, I want to find this super purpose. Like, will you show me what that looks like? You know, like there's this prayer from the course of miracles. It's like, Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say into home? So if I ever feel like a little bit stress, I'll just say that prayer.

00;43;36;22 - 00;43;55;05

Sean Nicole

And then it all unfolded. You know, like then I didn't feel like I was living into my purpose in San Francisco. Like, that happened quick, Right. I was like about six months and I was like, okay, I know how to do this job, but like, there's no way here that I want to go in this company. And so then I was like, okay, I want to start to figure out the next iteration of self and purpose.

00;43;55;05 - 00;44;12;07

Sean Nicole

And so that that's when I went to the next thing, I worked at a nonprofit and that was perfectly in line with my purpose because I needed to have that experience to grow and evolve to then reach the next layer. So I think purpose is really so much more like Multi-Domain and than we would want it to be.

00;44;12;09 - 00;44;28;25

Sean Nicole

And I think the most important thing is just saying, okay, I can hold on to this Northstar. Like at the time my northstar would have been so it would have been like doing something good for the earth and living outside. But like what I do now technically has nothing to do with the environment, Do you know what I mean?

00;44;28;27 - 00;44;46;12

Sean Nicole

But it's my soul's purpose. So I think give yourself a vague Northstar and then just kind of like keep taking those assignments and you're going to get there. But the purpose is not like I like I actually forgot what your grand your purpose was, but it was about leadership, right? And it's like that. You need a little more time.

00;44;46;12 - 00;45;06;17

Sean Nicole

Okay. So give your soul that time. Like our purpose is unfolding. Focus on what life is serving up for you now and know that like you are going to get there, but don't sacrifice your values and your integrity and your and your basic joy and wellness. I think that that is when the soul is like we need to move on.

00;45;06;22 - 00;45;07;16

Sean Nicole

Does that make sense?

00;45;07;16 - 00;45;32;07


Totally. Totally. And when I think about it from my own perspective, it's like think that my my purpose is it centered somewhere around like health and joy in play combined somehow. And like, does my day to day reflect those things specifically? Like from a logical perspective, maybe not. But like, does the undertone of it and are the choices that I'm making in alignment with that?

00;45;32;07 - 00;46;01;15


Yes. And I don't know, like how that's going to come together or like necessarily impact others per se or tie in to transformational leadership, which is what we talked about. But but having that sort of like really fuzzy, high level understanding is that guiding light of like, I know that these things have tangled in threads of what I've, you know, enjoyed and then excited by in the past and where I felt inspired.

00;46;01;15 - 00;46;11;24


So like it will come together eventually and there's no way that I can put a map around how Because I couldn't even begin to give you an answer.

00;46;11;24 - 00;46;27;22

Sean Nicole

And yeah, it's like, okay, I'm in a be in the moment. I'm going to know that I have these core tenants of my life that are important to me. And I'm also going to trust that things are unfolding as they're meant to and that I'm in a deep enough relationship with myself and my soul that I'm not going to miss the boat.

00;46;27;25 - 00;46;39;04

Sean Nicole

Right. It's Not like the boat's going to come by, be like, Hey, yeah, all right. And you're going to be like, No, I know. Like, that's not life. Like, it's all happening for us. Yeah, Yeah.

00;46;39;04 - 00;47;05;10


I think too, Like, it must be the ego then that makes you feel bad. If your purpose isn't, like, directly feeding orphans in a third world country. Because when I, when I just said those words like health, joy play, that's not necessarily the most like noble on the surface level, but I know what it means to me and like how it could potentially impact others in such a important way.

00;47;05;10 - 00;47;23;25


And so it's it's just it's been this thing that I face in the past where I'm like, well, that's not like good enough. It's not like hell enough, but it doesn't have to be that. Like no matter what it is, it's impactful. If it is, just play totally.

00;47;23;25 - 00;47;46;27

Sean Nicole

And it's fascinating too, because it's like from a human design perspective, human design helped me tremendously with this that like the most important thing is like the joy of the soul and the joy of the person. Because like, even when people talk about Mother Teresa, like Mother Teresa loved her work, right? And I'm like, no work is done rightly, if not done in love.

00;47;46;27 - 00;48;24;18

Sean Nicole

It's just not. So I could be like I volunteer as tribute and I am going to go and work with orphans. But if I don't love it, I'm not really serving those orphans, right? I'm serving my own egoic idea that I need to be the savior that maybe I'm not meant to be. Right? Yeah. That's what's so fun about the new paradigm is like we're transitioning out of these, like, really just like, strict labels of, like, this is good and this is bad and this is serving and this is non it's like, okay, I need to feel like a failed individual, a fulfilled person on this earth, and I can pursue that and still live

00;48;24;18 - 00;48;26;00

Sean Nicole

in my purpose. Wow.

00;48;26;00 - 00;49;01;07


I love that. Okay, so now could you give like a two second explanation of what cosmic records are and how you even learned that and now read into it? And Human Design is a little more structured like understanding the different elements of somebody's chart. But how did you start to tap into your clairvoyance and like recognize that you have a gift and basically redirected yourself to this path where now you're evolving your intuition and making it your career?

00;49;01;09 - 00;49;22;09

Sean Nicole

Yeah, so Human Design was that unfolded after I had like the job at the nonprofit and I was like, this is really not it. And then I was like, I will start a clothing line, which I still believe is part of my purpose, that couple of years of it's not the time, but I was like, I'm so down working with other people, I'm going to start a clothing line.

00;49;22;09 - 00;49;41;03

Sean Nicole

And I moved to Argentina, so I got this like amazing flat and I was like, I'm going to work on this clothing line. I'm going to study this human design. I had started to read Human Design because I was just obsessed. It was super passion oriented. I was like, I just want to learn everything about human design. And then Janna was like, I'm going to basically announce readers I like recommend people.

00;49;41;05 - 00;50;00;09

Sean Nicole

So I was like, Cool, I will apply to do this and then I'll make some money doing human design to find my clothing line. And then basically unfolded that like I became one of Jenna Zoe's readers. And Jen is always like a huge name in human design. For those who aren't familiar, she's incredibly gifted. She's amazing. And when I got selected to work for her, I thought there be like 100 of us.

00;50;00;09 - 00;50;21;29

Sean Nicole

And there wasn't. There were like 15. And we launched during the pandemic. So right away I got clients. So that happened. Spend a couple of years building the human design, genuinely bottom of my heart love. So like probably 99% of my session and I always tried to make it a little bit more like intuitive and insightful. And then I did a clairvoyant training, so I did a clairvoyant apprenticeship.

00;50;21;29 - 00;50;38;10

Sean Nicole

In 2020. I had a really profound clairvoyant reading before I even knew what it was. Someone was like, Do this thing. I was like, okay, I'll do it. It was right when I was leaving Panama and I had no idea what I what kind of business I wanted to start. And I had this like super profound session and I was like, I love this.

00;50;38;12 - 00;50;58;00

Sean Nicole

Kept in touch. And my mentor or the woman who gave me the session launched a training and I was like, You what? I just want to, like, do this. And this is where like, I really felt my path unfolding because even like my clairvoyant homework was like my favorite thing in the world, like, I would devour my homework, but it was like my life.

00;50;58;00 - 00;51;17;19

Sean Nicole

I loved it. And like, that's the thing is like, I love this work. Like, I love it. So, so, so much that like, for me, it's a joy to sit in meditation for an hour and study your chakras. It's like the time of my life. And so my clairvoyant training was where I really practiced the art of like holding focus, getting visuals, meditating.

00;51;17;19 - 00;51;34;28

Sean Nicole

I've had so many influential teachers. Jana Zoe was just she was like, You are really good at this focus here, you know? And even the chance to work for her, my clairvoyant mentor was the same. She like, offered me a job two weeks into the apprenticeship and I was like doing wow. It's like being a clairvoyant. I was like, wow.

00;51;35;00 - 00;51;57;10

Sean Nicole

Like, you know, I and that's something else I would say to anybody on the journey to, like, their purpose is have really good mentors. Like, it's okay to kind of wonder, like, am I good at this? Like, I think it's not. I think it's harder for women. We're not taught to really believe in ourselves like men are, but it just feels really good to have someone be like, Yeah, you have something here and like, don't let up on this.

00;51;57;10 - 00;52;23;19

Sean Nicole

And I luckily had that all the way, so I had my clairvoyant apprenticeship, put that into my readings and then about a year ago is when I started to get a little bit tired of just my human design readings. And it took a long time for what I call the soul alignment session to like, come together. My work, my mentor, Nikki Nova, who brought up the Akashic Records, I learned to read them in my clairvoyant training, but I hadn't really used them that much.

00;52;23;21 - 00;52;44;12

Sean Nicole

And then to get into the Akashic Records, essentially they're just like the records of everything that's ever happened to a soul. And every soul will have its own record, just like Arya and someone who keeps their records. So the way I see it and everyone's going to see it differently and this is really like weird for people who aren't used to this because they're like, I'm making this up.

00;52;44;12 - 00;53;02;26

Sean Nicole

And honestly, we don't know. Everything's an illusion, but the way I see it is like it almost looks like Hogwarts. So I have like a process of how I get into it. I'll talk to the record keeper. So before I do a session, I say, okay, I'd like to go to Stephanie's records, I'll talk to your records keeper and then I go into your records, right?

00;53;02;26 - 00;53;20;16

Sean Nicole

So I mean, I've never had anyone tell me. No, like I think because you because I think the invitation is like you purchased a session with me, right? Right. I don't go around trying to, like, read everyone's records, but, like, I go into your records, and then in the Akashic Records, it's like a think of it as, like a history of the soul of Stephanie.

00;53;20;16 - 00;53;36;04

Sean Nicole

So it can tell me a lot about, like, what you've been doing in your if you believe in past lives, which I do, because the soul's eternal. So that's what I love about the records and why I wanted to bring them into this session is because I can learn way more about you right off the bat than I can with the human design.

00;53;36;06 - 00;53;56;29

Sean Nicole

The humans. I can tell me so much about your operating system. What? It doesn't tell me that much about the soul of Stephanie. And that's why I wanted to expand because I had these clients who were like, What's my debt to that? And I was like, I don't know. Yeah, I know that you're really good at this. I know that this is how you respond to life, but I don't know anything more than that.

00;53;56;29 - 00;54;14;26

Sean Nicole

And so it's like this human design was kind of like I hit a ceiling and then the soul alignment presented itself. I started to just read the Akashic Records and meditation because I've been practicing my clairvoyance for couple of years now. I my meds, I can hold focus for a really long time. Wow. And so I just just practice reading.

00;54;15;04 - 00;54;30;18

Sean Nicole

And that's when like, everything came together that I was like, okay, I want it to be like, I get an image and you got the session because I see everything. I get a visual, then I can read your energy, then I can go into the record. So it kind of started to like paint a picture, and that's really what I wanted.

00;54;30;18 - 00;54;50;22

Sean Nicole

I was like, I want a session that like tells a story. I want it to really like, create a lasting impression on this person. Let it be your anchor, because sometimes we get that we're like in and out of alignment with our souls all the time. You know, we live in this very dense world. The Earth plane is a very you know, it's not easy out here, so we lose connection.

00;54;50;22 - 00;54;53;03

Sean Nicole

So that's what I wanted in a session and that's how it all came together.

00;54;53;05 - 00;55;16;29


Basically fastening eating. I'm dying to know what my record keeper look like. I'm saying. But like, visually, like, how are you reading? Like when you're sitting there in my meditation ahead of our session and you're going through my record, It's like, are you reading something or are you sitting there and you're getting kind of like flashes of images or like when you're going through my chakras ahead of the session to see kind of like where I'm blocked.

00;55;17;05 - 00;55;28;00


Is it a sensation that you're feeling in your own body or words that drop in? Like, how do you see what you then told me?

00;55;28;02 - 00;55;54;16

Sean Nicole

So it's kind of a mixture. I mostly see images or it's like. Claire Cognitive and like, I'll get message messages. So there actually is like a specific prayer to open up the Akashic Records. Like for the highest Good of all, Can I access the energy body of Stefani? I want to like, access Stefani. So then I see the image, and then I pull up your chakra body, and then I'm like, I want to see the crown.

00;55;54;16 - 00;56;12;21

Sean Nicole

So I'll go into your crown and I'll seasons of and then I'll get I'll hear messages that will be like digitized and I'll be like, okay. And the hardest thing about this work is you really just have to believe, you know, and, and something I've learned is like a spiritual practitioner is you have to be okay that that person might be like that does not land for me.

00;56;12;23 - 00;56;33;03

Sean Nicole

Right. And it could be that that will land months later, you know or and I think that's what most people because we don't like to be wrong as people and metaphors work is really tricky because it's not it's beyond the physical right. So it's kind of like I remember the first time I did like a clairvoyant session and.

00;56;33;03 - 00;56;59;29

Sean Nicole

I was like, what? I was like, I don't even know if any of this is real, right? Like, I was like, I see all this stuff. What is that about? I don't know. And so I think now I've accepted that. What makes someone a good reader is like, yes, I'm intuitive, but I'm also I'm really like committed to my own spiritual work so I can understand a lot more like I feel like I can see more because I'm willing to go deeper within myself.

00;57;00;04 - 00;57;21;02

Sean Nicole

So anyone interested in spiritual work, it's like you have to be a good vessel. You have to. I call being a good student of life makes you a really good practitioner because then you're learning and you're evolving, and thus your practices grow and your intuition is growing. Yeah. So yeah, it's I mostly see and I hear messages and then sometimes I'll feel things, but not usually.

00;57;21;02 - 00;57;42;14

Sean Nicole

I try to keep it like, show me everything, show me the messages. And if I'm ever like, I'm clear on something, I'll be like, I need, I need you to like, tell me again or show me a different way. Like I call it like a dialog with I either say, like I counsel because sometimes that soul might have like a spiritual counsel or with God or whatever.

00;57;42;16 - 00;57;52;01

Sean Nicole

And so yeah, I kind of see and I hear, and I just trust that it's right. And if it's not, I'm like, I'll give you your money back. But and that's why I'm amazing.

00;57;52;01 - 00;58;13;24


I'm okay to questions. So yeah, well, so many questions in fact, here right now the first is like did you so you mentioned timelines with me talking about, you know, being okay with being wrong. Like you mentioned timelines and you said, you know, so that must be a message that you're receiving, like that must be part of the dialog that you're having.

00;58;13;24 - 00;58;21;15


But how have you kind of like developed your own confidence and trust in in being potentially wrong?

00;58;21;22 - 00;58;37;20

Sean Nicole

Yeah, I think the biggest thing is I don't make it about me, you know, like I call and make it about and like that's a big thing with my timelines is I'm like, I need to know that this is like in the highest integrity for that person. Because if it's not that I'm like, then there's no point in me sharing that.

00;58;37;20 - 00;59;00;27

Sean Nicole

And I do think that most clients who come to work with me like timelines, are so much about energy. Sometimes they're about like the world needs to get to a certain point. So sometimes they're not, but usually it's like a timeline is like rough ish because there's like a lot of free will involved. And for example, a client like yourself would want to know, how can I absolve.

00;59;01;00 - 00;59;17;10

Sean Nicole

Right? How can I do the things intrinsically that are going to like get me to this timeline right? And that's the kind of client I want. I don't want a client who's like, Well, when am I going to meet my husband? Yeah, I want someone who's like, okay, what type of person am I calling in? What do I need to know where you know?

00;59;17;11 - 00;59;41;13

Sean Nicole

So yeah, and I've had a lot of readings that were completely wrong and I'm still really glad I got them because I learned a ton and I felt like I needed to hear that and I needed to know that, you know, the most important thing is that you cultivate your own intuitive channel. But I think there's a lot of value in the work that I do because naturally people are really caught up in their day to day in their lives.

00;59;41;13 - 01;00;01;14

Sean Nicole

They don't have the expanded perspective that I have because I'm not you. All I'm doing is hanging out with your self for an hour and then I'm okay by so I can give you a lot of insight. That's way harder for you to get because you're trapped in a different level. Not trapped, but you have a different perspective, right?

01;00;01;14 - 01;00;21;14

Sean Nicole

So I think I just really have to trust that I'm like, if I get a message, it's for a reason. If the soul comes to me, it's for a reason. I'm not God. I'm not trying to play God. You know what I mean? I'm just trying to help people get back onto their most online path. And if I hear a timeline, I will share it and I'll trust that that's for their value and for their highest service.

01;00;21;16 - 01;00;31;05

Sean Nicole

And whether it's right or it's wrong, I'm like, Jesus, take the wheel, you know? Yeah. Or whoever your version of Jesus is, It's kind of how I do it. So, yeah.

01;00;31;08 - 01;00;45;11


If you had decided to take another job that your head was telling you rather than your heart or your soul was telling you to pursue, do you think that it would have come back to you in another form? Basically, the crux of the question is, can you screw it up?

01;00;45;16 - 01;01;02;19

Sean Nicole

Yeah. And you know what's funny is everyone has such different perspectives on this as they should, right? Like, no, not every spiritual person is the same. But I'm a student of this text called The Course in Miracles. It's really impactful for me that there's this lesson that I will step back and let him lead the way again. I'm not religious.

01;01;02;19 - 01;01;35;04

Sean Nicole

I don't love like him and stuff like that, but that's just what this book uses and it's always says the end is made certain. You cannot fail when the goal is God, Right? Which like God put that with like my goal is my purpose or my highest timeline, whatever we use like a bunch of terms. And so I think that like my my spiritual perspective is also very like shaped by the fact that Earth is a planet that a lot of people come to because they learn.

01;01;35;04 - 01;01;53;17

Sean Nicole

So I don't they need to learn. I don't think you can screw it up, but it is not every soul's karma to come to earth and live their most online path. It's not right. Do I believe that every client that's going to come to me? Yeah. Like they're not going to find me if that's not their karma. Right, But it's not.

01;01;53;19 - 01;02;11;25

Sean Nicole

And I think when you learn about Earth from like a spiritual perspective, because I do believe in like other planets and other there's evidence of this version. This is not the only reality. This is not the only planet. This is not the only incarnation that our souls have taken for sure. But I think, like, you can't screw it up.

01;02;11;25 - 01;02;29;17

Sean Nicole

And I think that a lot of people are afraid that they're like, I could take the wrong turn. And I just don't believe in not know, Like, I really believe that had I stayed in San Francisco and I would have kept working in tech, I honestly think I probably would have gotten sick. Like I think the soul will do something to kind of wake the person up.

01;02;29;17 - 01;02;46;26

Sean Nicole

And so my dad's passing away. I don't think it's why he passed away, but it was a huge one. It was kind of like, Whoa, okay, we need to reorient our entire existence. And so I think that you can't screw it up with a soul. We'll consistently do things to get you back on that path. And sometimes it's things that we not like experiencing.

01;02;46;26 - 01;03;07;26

Sean Nicole

So I had the benefit that the universe was like, That's a hard no, like I was trying really hard and the universe was like, right. Like I was getting zero and I was putting out 100. So with the clothing line, like I got rejected from this incubator that I was obsessed with multiple times the exact day I got like my eyes just stopped applying.

01;03;07;28 - 01;03;23;10

Sean Nicole

Yes, there are other avenues for me to start this clothing line, but I got my final no the same day Janna was like, be one of my readers. And I was like, just going to like, go with the flow, right? And I was like, I have spent so long on this and I don't feel like I'm getting any traction.

01;03;23;12 - 01;03;45;28

Sean Nicole

And I'm sad, you know, like, I actually, too, I will talk about this more, but, you know, like that rejection, that rejection, perceived rejection was really hard for me. You know, I loved this clothing line idea. Like, I was like, this is going to be my future. And this incorporates all my passions and all this was like my Northstar, and I kind of felt like the universe is like, nope.

01;03;46;00 - 01;04;05;11

Sean Nicole

So yeah, I could have like kept pursuing that, but then I think I would have gotten more no's or my body would have physically been like, This doesn't work for us anymore. So yeah, I really don't think we can screw it up. But I do think that we want to be a good teammate. You know, that also means like trusting when we get told no, that that's actually a good thing, you know?

01;04;05;11 - 01;04;18;13

Sean Nicole

So it's like we can't get I don't, I don't. I believe the universe is like infinite chances and infinite lifetimes. Like, I really believe that, like your soul will just keep incarnating here until it does its work.

01;04;18;15 - 01;04;46;28


You've said that, like, you do feel like you're on your highest path, right? But it doesn't necessarily always feel super easy. Like it can still feel difficult and challenging. And you have to tell yourself that you need to sit down and focus something for a period of time, even though you don't want to like it doesn't always feel like, you know, super joyful, flowy years every every single day just because you're on your highest path.

01;04;46;28 - 01;05;00;05


So like, do you feel like you have confidence in that now when I guess what does it feel like being on that path that you know is right for you, even though it doesn't feel easy every day?

01;05;00;07 - 01;05;18;26

Sean Nicole

Yeah, no, I think that's so important because there's so much in this spiritual space around like flow and alignment. And I don't disagree with any of that, but I think I have let that really trip me up in the past where I'm like, okay well, and, you know, I did have the very unique experience that I did get this huge universal green flag, right?

01;05;18;26 - 01;05;38;20

Sean Nicole

The fact that I became a human design reader under the most famous human design practitioner in the world is like a joke, right? Like, talk about a green flag. You got like, Yeah. So I think like the most aligned path for me now, you know, I'm in a phase where my relationship with like, my work is different and my soul is different.

01;05;38;20 - 01;05;59;16

Sean Nicole

And I think it's right now, things aren't flowing as I would like them to. But I also think it's because my human being, I distinguish between my human and my soul. Like Sean has like a and I speak in the third person. I'm sorry, that's weird. But I'm like, Sean has, like, a lot to learn right now in order for her to complete these, like, bigger goals.

01;05;59;16 - 01;06;23;01

Sean Nicole

And so I know that I'm in a phase where alignment for me looks like doing like hard work as in, like learning new skills and challenging all versions of my identity and all these things that like, feel painful in the moment. But the soul loves it because the soul is like, We're going for gold, right? So I think the most aligned path feels like different ways at different times.

01;06;23;01 - 01;06;38;10

Sean Nicole

But the biggest thing, like, for example, had I gotten to know from that startup incubator and I was like, This is an opportunity for me to bootstrap, I would have gone and I would have done that, but it didn't feel that way. It kind of felt like the universe being like, We need to put this to bed for now.

01;06;38;16 - 01;07;00;02

Sean Nicole

You know, you're on the most online path. You're like deep in your heart. You're like, I really believe in this. Like, that's a really big sign. You know, I really believe in this. And I feel like the timing is right. I just have some stuff to learn because there are people who they believe a lot in a mission, but like it's just a couple of years too early.

01;07;00;02 - 01;07;19;15

Sean Nicole

It's like you know, you're on the path when you're like even when days feel hard, I feel like I'm growing as an individual. I feel like I'm moving in the right direction. And biggest thing, I don't want to be anywhere else. I don't want to be doing anything else. I always ask myself that because I'm like, If you want to do something else, Shawn, you should go do that.

01;07;19;17 - 01;07;34;21

Sean Nicole

And I don't. And that's when you know you're on the most online path because you're like, Yeah, it's just hard. That's why I think, you know, you're in the right relationship. It's like, Yeah, I might feel hard, but I don't want to be with anyone else. I want to be with this person. So this podcast, yeah, easy. You know what I mean?

01;07;34;23 - 01;07;38;23

Sean Nicole

You have to learn how to look at it. There's so many facets involved.

01;07;38;25 - 01;07;48;18


When I spend all day Saturday, I'm like, No, I don't really want to be editing all day on this weekend, but do I want to give it up? No, absolutely not. No part of me wants to let go of it.

01;07;48;20 - 01;07;58;04

Sean Nicole

Yeah, exactly. That is like I think that's just like being smart and soulful. Let's marry him together.

01;07;58;06 - 01;08;09;18


Self love, love. Yes. Okay, so final questions. I am dying to know what you're looking ahead to. You just launched this whole alignment session.

01;08;09;23 - 01;08;35;23

Sean Nicole

Yeah. So I call it the tagline is Discover how your soul wants to live, love and work. So mainly looking at career and then romantic in geographic location, but I recommend it for anyone. Like I can look at just one of those specific areas. If you're like, I live in San Francisco and I love it, I usually just like to do a little scan because I think the future is everyone connecting a lot more with the land where they live.

01;08;35;27 - 01;08;54;24

Sean Nicole

As you know, I'm a huge environmentalist, so I think I love to even just see like the relationship with that soul in the land. And yeah, I really recommend it for anyone who wants to like just know their soul in a deeper way. And by that I mean like, feel more connected, feel more fulfilled, feel more like on track even when they feel off track, right?

01;08;54;24 - 01;09;12;13

Sean Nicole

Like we talked about, like it's not like this checkmark. Like, I just even I did a reading for someone who like, it's like she knew that she was on the right track kind of. But like, we just really had to, like, lay it out. And she was like, Thank God, you know, I feel like I know I'm in the right place even when I have all these doubts.

01;09;12;13 - 01;09;27;11

Sean Nicole

So I really just want to I want to help people get back into alignment with their souls. And that's essentially what this session does. I know a lot of people like might not know what that means, but I describe that as like, you know, where you're supposed to be essentially, you know, even when it feels hard is that time to describe it.

01;09;27;11 - 01;09;44;15

Sean Nicole

So great for if you're in a career transition or yeah, you're looking to attract a partner and you're like, maybe I want to move, maybe you have all three going on. I have. I've had a lot of clients have all three, and yeah, I love this session. It really feels like it helps me make sense of my story.

01;09;44;15 - 01;10;10;06

Sean Nicole

I did not even realize how much I was like following my soul when I was like, I'm going to go to Panama. Like, I had no idea that that's what that was, you know? So it feels like a culmination of like my story and my passions and my interest. What I want to do is just like, do as many sessions as possible and kind of just see, like, what I find, like ideally in the next couple of years, like me looking forward, I really want to commit to this.

01;10;10;06 - 01;10;31;04

Sean Nicole

I want to make it something that I our brand around and then turn it into like just like soulful living. So whether that means that there's and really like the soulful economy is really important to me. Like, I want to, I want to even now with AI and things like that, want to make sure that we're cultivating a new idea of like what it means to work and how we work.

01;10;31;04 - 01;10;51;28

Sean Nicole

Like also really important aspects of like where I want the session to go or the work to go. So I don't really know yet. I'm committed to just like doing sessions and working with people and then seeing if that turns into like courses or even like, I don't even know if like a podcast or a YouTube channel. But yeah, that's really what I want my focus to go.

01;10;51;28 - 01;11;12;13

Sean Nicole

It's important to me to like grow it and I want the work to just reach as many people as it can right now because I think a lot of people it can help a lot of people. So yeah, that's where the focus is for the next foreseeable future until my soul's like pivot. But for now it feels really feels really good, it feels really aligned.

01;11;12;19 - 01;11;29;27


And thank goodness because I selfishly want to continue to come back to you for sessions in the future. I was like, Can I do this quarterly connect? Like I just wanted to. It's nice to check in and like you did a reading of each of my chakras to say, like, you know, you're a little bit blocked here. This would help you.

01;11;30;01 - 01;11;57;03


And feeling more connected in that way or having more clarity in that way, like it's you give you such useful, actionable steps that I could take right now and gave me such, it just felt really supportive. Like you, you gave such comfort that I'm not alone and that like you're here interpreting messages and there is, you know, a connection to something higher and something greater.

01;11;57;03 - 01;12;21;10


And that's like really, really comforting to me. And I'm grateful that you connected location, love and career because there's so many who focus on one, which I understand, but in my mind, they're all so interwoven, like you can't really separate them. And so I'm just really grateful that you have your mind. You discover this and you put it together and you're offering it because it's already been hugely impactful to me.

01;12;21;12 - 01;12;36;12

Sean Nicole

Thank you so much. It's so funny that you would mention that because I spoke with a client this morning who was like my super muse for the session. He's like this amazing creative director. He lives in San Diego, but he actively human is I'm reading with me. And then he did like a follow up session. And then I was like, I have this new thing.

01;12;36;12 - 01;12;53;17

Sean Nicole

I want to try it on you. And he was like, What the hell is this? Like right up my alley? Because I love skeptics. And he was the one who was like, This is you're talking about all these things that are really important. And he was like, You need to offer quarterly realignment sessions. Yeah, I should do that.

01;12;53;17 - 01;12;54;07



01;12;54;07 - 01;13;17;24

Sean Nicole

I need to hear you saying that because that's I think of myself as almost like a spiritual doctor. Like sometimes you just need to go to the doctor and be like, You're good. Let's work out a little bit more. Let's switch to today. And I'm like, I feel that way for the soul. I'm like, I just want to be with it for a bit and be like in practicality is like my everything because I'm like, I need to be able to work with something.

01;13;17;27 - 01;13;24;27

Sean Nicole

Yeah. Like, thank you so much for saying that because as a practitioner it's like I've like huge importance to me. So yeah, I just thank you so much.

01;13;24;27 - 01;13;29;04


And yes, yes, it's definitely working.

01;13;29;06 - 01;13;30;10

Sean Nicole

And it's like, thank you.

01;13;30;16 - 01;13;58;22


So I would just love to leave the audience with one resource that's really impacted your journey thus far. I'm sure that there's many. It sounds like you've done a lot of exploration, but if there's one that just pops into your mind, I would love to hear it. And then a piece of advice for the version of you that wasn't working in tech in San Francisco and just kind of had that momentary thought of, you know, what's next and really like questioning how to figure it out.

01;13;58;24 - 01;14;25;25

Sean Nicole

Yeah, I love those questions. I'd say the resource a book called A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson would be my biggest resource. It's basically a summarization of A Course in Miracles Of Course In Miracles I love, but it's very dense and almost like biblical. But Marianne Williamson is running for president. She's really incredible. And this book is all about like, we're turning our our mind and our and our source to love, which is what we are.

01;14;25;25 - 01;14;53;11

Sean Nicole

And I think it's really important for anyone who wants to live in an aligned way because fear is a very persuasive and powerful force on the planet of Earth. So I love that book. That'll be my number one resource. And then I think if I could just talk to my 25 year old self, I just would say to her, like, like it's all happening and it all like, I think I just really needed to believe that, like, life is good.

01;14;53;14 - 01;15;18;15

Sean Nicole

Like, like it's easy to almost believe that, like, everything's against us. I think we have to be realistic that, like, life will be hard, but life really wants us to win. You know what I mean? Like, one of my favorite affirmations is like, the whole universe is rooting for you. Like literally tree every flower, every bee. And that really, like, I wish I could just, like, instill that into her little mind so she could just be at peace.

01;15;18;15 - 01;15;21;27

Sean Nicole

You know what? I would say? I love that someone.

01;15;22;00 - 01;15;27;06


Amazing. Okay, well, where can everybody find you on Instagram with your handle?

01;15;27;09 - 01;15;44;29

Sean Nicole

Yes, it is. Underscore, Shawn, I have a lot of impersonators, so make sure there's just one underscore. So just one underscore. And then my website is Shawn Nicole M dot com I license Murphy and so that's the M and yeah you can find me at all those places.

01;15;44;29 - 01;15;56;11


Amazing and I'll tag all of those and it will be in the shout out to that. People can easily click on it. Thank you so much. I am so grateful and I can't wait for our next session.

01;15;56;11 - 01;15;58;18

Sean Nicole

And thank you. Bye. Hi, me.

01;15;58;18 - 01;16;17;28


Again. If you made it all the way through, I bet you're pretty serious about moving the needle to align with your dreams and feel good in your own life. Good for you. Before you leave. I would love to hear a takeaway that you got from this episode in the reviews that'll help me tailor conversations to be more useful to you in the future.

01;16;18;00 - 01;16;19;23


Okay. You're the best. Thank you.


Rewiring Your Brain to Thrive: Creative Health with Clinical Psychology Researcher and Entrepreneur Katina Bajaj


Betting on Yourself: from Self-doubt to Best Seller with Poet Jennae Cecelia